Study Plan Request: Hydro Operations Model

Study Plan Request: Hydro Operations Model

This study request for a water balance/hydro operations model was proposed by the licensee, Yuba County Water Agency, and accepted by FERC. It describes the need to measure and value inter-day power operations, and can be used for hydro flexility valuation. “The...
Additional Study Request by Butte County in Poe Hydroelectric Project

Additional Study Request by Butte County in Poe Hydroelectric Project

In response to the “Notice of Application Tendered for Filing with the Commission, Soliciting Additional Study Requests, and Establishing Procedural Schedule for Relicensing and a Deadline for Submission of Final Amendments” (Dec. 24, 2003), Butte County hereby files an Additional Study Request regarding potential demand for recreational boating on the project reach.

Conservation Groups’ Comments on Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project

Conservation Groups’ Comments on Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project

Intervenors Sierra Club, Trout Unlimited, American Rivers, National Parks Conservation Association, Glacier Bay’s Bear Track Inn, The Wilderness Society, Hoonah Indian Association, Thomas L. Mills, Sr., and Patrick G. Mills, and Intervenor-Movants Sophie McKinley and Dianne McKinley, respectfully file these comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Falls Creek Hydroelectric Project and Land Exchange (October 2003) (DEIS).