by South Yuba River Citizens League | Oct 11, 2023
On September 5, 2023, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued an Order that reaffirms the California State Water Board’s authority to enforce a “water quality certification” for new hydropower licenses granted to projects such as the Upper...
by Alabama Rivers Alliance | Jul 14, 2023
Alabama Power is moving forward with its plans to build and operate a large pumped storage hydropower facility in the vicinity of Chandler Mountain in the Coosa River watershed. HOW DOES THIS PROJECT IMPACT COMMUNITIES NEAR CHANDLER MOUNTAIN? If this project moves...
by South Yuba River Citizens League | Sep 5, 2022
The Daguerre Point Dam was built in 1906 by the Army Corps of Engineers to prevent the flow of debris from upstream mining operations into the Feather and Sacramento Rivers. But an archaic design and a lack of maintenance have made the dam a key obstruction to the...
by American Rivers | Aug 15, 2022
For two early mornings in Spring, Hopi leaders, elders, and advocates joined with EcoFlight, American Rivers, and the Grand Canyon Trust to fly over Palavayu, or the Little Colorado River. This is no small feat for a 340-mile-long river. The primary purpose of the...
by American Rivers | Feb 3, 2022
It’s late fall 2021 and I’m at the Tuba City Chapter House on the Navajo Nation for one of several community meetings that American Rivers, the Grand Canyon Trust, and local communities are hosting to explore ways to safeguard and sustain the Little Colorado River....