by American Whitewater | May 25, 2023
The Supreme Court today issued a decision that significantly narrowed the scope of the Clean Water Act protection of wetlands adjacent to rivers. The Court ruled in a 5-4 decision in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency that only wetlands that have a “continuous...
by American Whitewater | May 25, 2023
On May 22, the federal government announced it was postponing planning efforts for the Colorado River basin in order to assess a new proposal brought forward by the lower Colorado River Basin states. This is a big turn of events since we reported on this two weeks ago...
by American Whitewater | Apr 10, 2023
As you might recall, the House put forth a resolution to dissolve a new river protecting Waters of the United States Rule, or WOTUS. Well, they voted to repeal it and in an unfortunate turn of events, last week the Senate followed suit by also voting to repeal these...
by American Whitewater | Apr 9, 2023
American Whitewater and its partners in the relicensing of the hydropower dam on the Connecticut River signed a landmark settlement agreement that will restore flows to a dewatered section of the river in Turners Falls, Massachusetts. This historic agreement will...
by American Whitewater | Apr 5, 2023
Southern California Edison is in the process of conducting studies in support of relicensing KR3, the North Fork Kern River hydropower project that includes Fairview Dam and Kern #3 Powerhouse. American Whitewater has been actively engaged in the KR3 relicensing and...