Myth of the Hydrosystem: the safety of dams

Myth of the Hydrosystem: the safety of dams

In November of 2017, with the Hebgen Dam’s final phase of its $40 million upgrade and rehabilitation nearly completed, it now had the latest in safety and technological improvements. Despite being a state of the art facility, less than four years since those upgrades...

Jack’s Winter Policy Update

POLICY UPDATES from Alabama Rivers Alliance Leaves have fallen, special legislative sessions have come to an end, and as we enjoy the holidays, I give thanks for the restorative powers of Alabama’s marvelous creeks, streams, rivers, lakes and bays. Last month, I was...
Update: Potter Valley Project on the Eel River

Update: Potter Valley Project on the Eel River

A statement prepared by Redgie Collins (CalTrout’s Legal and Policy Director) and Curtis Knight (CalTrout’s Executive Director) A New Path Forward for Potter Valley Project Restoring Eel and Russian Rivers for the benefit of people and wildlife. In response to a...