Decommissioning and removal(32)
Reservoir Emissions(20)
Tribal Resources(11)
Laws, court cases, and filings(42)
Comments & Filings(15)
Court Cases(19)
Laws & Policies(8)
License Summaries(45)
Mountain West(5)
Recommended Reading(12)
Resource Type(81)
Academic Articles(19)
Tools and Guides(57)
Case Studies(22)
Hydro Guides(14)
Presentations and trainings(13)
Sample pleadings(11)
Publication date range
Jackson Lake Dam is a concrete and earth-fill dam on the Snake River at the outlet of Jackson Lake in Grand Teton National Park (GTNP). It is a component of the Minidoka Project, a series of federal dams and reservoirs constructed to control flows on the Snake River in Wyoming and Idaho for the purpose […]
HRC or member-contributed
Presentations and trainings
Published 4/3/2024
Thirty years ago, grassroots advocacy and management collaboration changed the face of river recreation. Paddling once occurred as the snow melted and during a decent rainstorm. Today, enthusiasts paddle on scheduled hydropower dam water releases from early Spring to November. While the season, number of days, volume, and time of day vary, you can usually […]
HRC or member-contributed
Presentations and trainings
Published 3/21/2024
Hydropower is but one component in our complex and constantly changing energy picture. Explore the multi-faceted role of hydropower’s position in the energy market and industry marketing strategies. Additionally, given the complex interrelationships of energy sources, their systems of production and distribution, and the rapidly changing viability of traditional vs. new technologies, the discussion will […]
ReportsReservoir Emissions
Published 3/18/2024
The four Lower Snake River dams, reservoirs, and their hydropower systems (“LSR dams”) – Lower Granite, Little Goose, Lower Monumental, and Ice Harbor – in the state of Washington have been at the center of national controversy in recent months. Because the dams block the passage of native salmon, a decades-long interest has come to […]
HRC or member-contributed
Presentations and trainings
Published 3/13/2024
This foundational training is designed to equip new practitioners with a fundamental understanding of the project types, key components, common operation scenarios, and how projects generate and deliver power. Throughout the session, participants will delve into key aspects, gaining insights to: Understand how conventional and pumped storage projects operate. Examine various parts of projects, including […]
HRC or member-contributed
Reservoir Emissions
Published 1/12/2024
Read the HRC's position statement on hydropower-caused greenhouse gas emissions, including our policy objectives.
HRC or member-contributed
Decommissioning and removalPresentations and trainings
Published 12/14/2023
Dam removal can have huge benefits for rivers, people, and healthy ecosystems. Learn about critical elements of the policy and practice of removing hydropower dams, as well as the data and decision-making process behind successful projects. Learn when and how to get involved in the process, some key factors, and hear about specific case studies.
HRC or member-contributed
Case StudiesDecommissioning and removalHydro Guides
Published 10/10/2023
This is a comprehensive guide for dam owners and practitioners on removing hydropower dams regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Removing dams is a common practice and a good option for dam owners or licensees who determine that the expense of ownership is too great relative to the benefits provided by their dams.
HRC or member-contributed
Presentations and trainings
Published 8/10/2023
This introductory training introduced how hydropower licensing works, what you can achieve during a project licensing, how the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission works, and strategies for getting involved. Presenters: Colleen McNally-Murphy, Associate National Director, Hydropower Reform Coalition Kelly Catlett, Director of Hydropower Reform, American Rivers
Presentations and trainingsVideos
Published 2/23/2023
This workshop from FERC’s Office of Public Participation (OPP) provided useful information on what FERC is looking for in comments and how participants can be effective in filings. Commissioner Danly made the following points: (minute 4:12) Any comment should be as brief as possible. Focus on being direct and persuasive. Be as clear as […]