HRC Comments to DOE on Defining “Inadequate Electric Service”
The Hydropower Reform Coalition (HRC) submitted these comments in response to the Department of Energy (DOE) request for information (RFI) on the definition of the term “inadequate electric service,” which appeared in the 2020 update to Sec. 242 of the...
Motion to Intervene & Comments on Draft Supplemental EIS on the Coosa Project
Motion to intervene and comments on the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Coosa River Hydroelectric Project from Alabama Rivers Alliance, American Rivers, and Coosa Riverkeeper. These comments request FERC to examine greenhouse gas emissions from the project and take climate impacts into consideration.

Felt Dam Draft License Application Comment
Comments from American Rivers, American Whitewater, Friends of the Teton River, Greater Yellowstone Coalition, Idaho Conservation League, Idaho Rivers United, and Trout Unlimited on the draft license application from Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. on the...