by Hydropower Reform Coalition | May 1, 2017
This guide is designed to help participants involved in federal hydropower licensing processes or water rights adjudications (including regulators, applicants, agencies, tribes, and other stakeholders) better understand, assess, and design flows to protect aesthetic resources.
by Colleen McNally-Murphy | Mar 1, 2013
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) released this report, Seven Sins of Dam Building, on World Water Day in 2013 to highlight the detrimental impacts that building dams has on our precious freshwater resources. The sole case study highlighted from the United States in the report is the damming of the Coosa River in Alabama.
by Hydropower Reform Coalition | Dec 1, 2010
The Hydrokinetic Energy Projects & Recreation: A Guide to Assessing Impacts, or the MHK Recreation Guide, provides general information about hydrokinetic technologies and the permitting process, identifies potential recreational concerns, and suggests ways to study and mitigate those impacts.