by American Rivers | Jul 9, 2021
This blog was written by Ted Illston and Brian Graber. The impacts of climate change — felt first and hardest on rivers and water resources in the form of floods and droughts — threaten fragile ecosystems, public health and safety, cultural heritage, our economy and...
by Hydropower Reform Coalition | May 27, 2021
American Rivers, American Whitewater and the Hydropower Reform Coalition released this statement today in response to the Senate Finance Committee’s markup of the Clean Energy for America Act and a proposed amendment that would create tax incentives for hydropower,...
by Hydropower Reform Coalition | Mar 2, 2021
The Taum Sauk Pumped Storage Project received a FERC license in July 2014. The authorized capacity of the project is 442.5 MW. The Taum Sauk Project consists of a 54.5-acre upper reservoir located on Proffit Mountain and a 363-acre lower reservoir. The upper reservoir...
by Hydropower Reform Coalition | Mar 2, 2021
In 2017 the emergency spillway on the Oroville Dam failed, resulting in widespread evacuations and significant risk to downstream communities. The incident and lessons learned are described in detail in the Oroville Dam 2017 Spillway Incident report.
by Colleen McNally-Murphy | Feb 12, 2021
The Michigan Dam Safety Task Force was formed in the wake of the failures of Edenville Dam and Sanford Dam on the Tittabawasee River in May 2020. The purpose of the Task Force was to recommend policy, legislative, budgetary, and enforcement reforms to prevent future...