The Deadbeat Dams Dance On…The River Advocate, Vol6 #2 March 25, 2016
The River Advocate March 25, 2016 Vol6 #2 In this issue: River Advocacy Training School – Apply By April 1 California Rivers Day – Visit Your Legislator New Dam proposed for the Bear River Just The Facts…FOR coordinates a storage response. Intern with Friends of the...River Advocate Vol 6 #1 March 10, 2016
The River Advocate March 10, 2016 Vol 6, #1 In this issue… A New Website for FOR River Rats: Now Recruiting! Capitol River Awards on May 18 2nd Annual California Rivers Day River Currents by Ron Stork A New Website! Johnnie Carlson, Operations Director On January 30th...Damming of Alabama’s Coosa River Highlighted in International Report
In honor of World Water Day*, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has released a report, Seven Sins of Dam Building, to highlight the detrimental impacts that building dams has on our precious freshwater resources. The sole case study highlighted from the United States in...Tribal Policy Statement
FERC policy statement to articulate its commitment to promote a government to-government relationship between itself and federally-recognized Indian tribes. The policy statement recognizes the sovereignty of tribal nations and the Commission’s trust responsibility to Indian tribes. The policy statement also establishes a tribal liaison position. Finally, the policy establishes certain actions specific to the hydroelectric program.