Estimate of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the Lower Snake River Dams and Reservoirs using the All-Res Modeling Tool
The four Lower Snake River dams, reservoirs, and their hydropower systems (“LSR dams”) – Lower Granite, Little Goose, Lower Monumental, and Ice Harbor – in the state of Washington have been at the center of national controversy in recent months. Because...
Position statement on Hydropower Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Read the HRC’s position statement on hydropower-caused greenhouse gas emissions, including our policy objectives.
Sites Reservoir and Greenhouse Gases
Eco 712: We spoke with Jann Dorman, Keiko Mertz, and Ron Stork of Sacramento-based Friends of the River. They have recently released a report that offers important new perspectives. It’s called Estimate of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the Proposed Sites Reservoir Project using the All-Res Modeling Tool. Supported by Patagonia, the report reveals astonishing amounts of greenhouse gases likely to be emitted by Sites, not only the construction fumes, but “naural” emissions produced by such factors as algae and vegetation decay. One more reason to oppose Sites.