by Idaho Rivers United | May 18, 2023
A Chinook salmon in the South Fork of the Salmon River. Photo credit: Matt Steinwurtzel The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), a division within the federal government, opened a 60-day “request for information” period earlier this month on federal actions related...
by American Rivers | Apr 18, 2023
Today we announce America’s Most Endangered Rivers of 2023. From dams and outdated water management to toxic pollution and development projects that would devastate river habitats, this report spotlights ten rivers in the U.S. that are at a crossroads and whose fates...
by American Whitewater | Apr 10, 2023
As you might recall, the House put forth a resolution to dissolve a new river protecting Waters of the United States Rule, or WOTUS. Well, they voted to repeal it and in an unfortunate turn of events, last week the Senate followed suit by also voting to repeal these...
by American Whitewater | Apr 5, 2023
Southern California Edison is in the process of conducting studies in support of relicensing KR3, the North Fork Kern River hydropower project that includes Fairview Dam and Kern #3 Powerhouse. American Whitewater has been actively engaged in the KR3 relicensing and...
by South Yuba River Citizens League | Mar 20, 2023
Forty years ago, the South Yuba River Citizens League began caring for the South Yuba River by advocating for dam removal and gaining Wild and Scenic protection. Today, their work encompasses the entire Yuba River watershed – from the Sierra crest to the valley floor....