How would you feel if the Grand Canyon ran dry?

How would you feel if the Grand Canyon ran dry?

The situation on the Colorado River continues to get worse. For months, there has been abundant news about falling lake levels (Lake Powell is below 25% full, and Lake Mead is hovering below 30% full) and while some areas of the west had a terrific monsoon, other...
What does the Inflation Reduction Act mean for rivers

What does the Inflation Reduction Act mean for rivers

On August 16, 2022 President Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act, which will provide an estimated $369 billion to tackle climate change over the next decade. That’s a big number, but what does it mean for rivers? Overall, this is a bold step forward, as...
Five Things You Should Know About California’s Drought

Five Things You Should Know About California’s Drought

1.     With typically arid springs and summers, droughts are normal in California… but not at this intensity: Climate change is intensifying drought across the state, which puts the state in a precarious position that compromises water supplies for drinking and...