by American Whitewater | May 25, 2023
The Supreme Court today issued a decision that significantly narrowed the scope of the Clean Water Act protection of wetlands adjacent to rivers. The Court ruled in a 5-4 decision in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency that only wetlands that have a “continuous...
by American Whitewater | Apr 10, 2023
As you might recall, the House put forth a resolution to dissolve a new river protecting Waters of the United States Rule, or WOTUS. Well, they voted to repeal it and in an unfortunate turn of events, last week the Senate followed suit by also voting to repeal these...
by Idaho Rivers United | Jan 18, 2023
(City Council members inspect pollution of the Cuyahoga River 1964 – Cleveland Press Collection, Cleveland State University Library) Just before the new year, the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers announced plans to formalize...
by American Whitewater | Jan 4, 2023
Last week the Environmental Protection Agency released a new final rule governing which streams and wetlands will be covered by the Clean Water Act. If this sounds familiar, it is for good reason: this issue has been the subject of perennial debate and changes made by...
by Alabama Rivers Alliance | May 26, 2022
POLICY UPDATES from Alabama Rivers Alliance Spring has more than sprung, and Alabama is buzzing with another regenerative season. Our native Oakleaf hydrangea is flowering, the turtles are basking in longer days of sunshine along our river banks, and we hope you’re...