Klamath Parties Announce Memorandum of Agreement to Continue Klamath Dam Removal

Kelly Catlett, HRC’s Associate Western States Director, and Richard Myers, Yurok Tribal Councilmember at shareholder’s meeting of Scottish Power, PacifiCorp’s former owner. Glasgow, Scotland, 2005.
The Hydropower Reform Coalition would like to extend its enthusiastic and heart-felt congratulations to all the parties that persevered to ensure the Klamath dam removal agreement continues, as announced today. Many parties have shown extraordinary leadership to get the dam removal agreement to this point, but the Yurok, Karuk, and Klamath Tribes stand out for their unwavering determination, perseverance and steadfast leadership in the protection of the Klamath River.
Twenty years ago, it was far from certain that these dams would ever be removed and the river restored, but the Yurok, Karuk, and Klamath Tribes had a vision of a reconnected river with healthy salmon that would benefit all. They worked tirelessly for this vision across two continents, traveling to Scotland and to Omaha multiple times to make the case for dam removal to PacifiCorp’s owners. Their inspiring vision became our vision and we are proud to have played a small part in this success.
We would like to thank Warren Buffett for standing by the commitment to dam removal and the restoration of the Klamath River and to the states of California and Oregon for their incredible support. We hope that today’s renewed agreement will clear the way for a restored Klamath and a better, brighter future for the river and its people.
Read more about today’s announcement and the new Memorandum of Agreement at www.klamathrenewal.org/bi-state-agreement-with-klamath-dam-owner-advances-historic-salmon-restoration-plan/. Watch a video of the announcement here.