Measuring Success of Battle Creek Restoration
CalTrout’s restoration project site in Eagle Canyon on Battle Creek recently received a visit and inspection by our Mt. Shasta-Klamath Region Director, Damon Goodman. Last year, we completed construction at this site to remove a rock barrier in the canyon that had been blocking fish passage. As a result, more than 8 miles of anadromous habitat became available for endangered winter-run Chinook salmon, with the first cohort this spring traveling from the ocean high into source waters along North Fork Battle Creek, the same reach of creek that was just restored.
To gauge the efficiency of the project and help inform future work, Damon returned to Eagle Canyon last week to perform streamflow measurements.
Damon explained that with this data, “CalTrout and partners are developing a stage-discharge relationship* to aid in our understanding of how the barrier project is functioning. At the same time, we are gaining an understanding of the water flow and temperature that the translocated winter-run Chinook salmon are experiencing.”
*a stage-discharge relationship refers to the average discharge for a particular water depth.
Read more details about CalTrout’s restoration efforts in the Battle Creek watershed and the plight (and hopeful recovery) of winter-run Chinook salmon.

Battle Creek from above.

Damon Goodman performing stream flow measurements.
Learn more about CalTrout’s work at Battle Creek by watching our video below:
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