Water is Life returns October 11 with a celebration of the Clean Water Act!

Published 10/3/2022  |  Alabama Rivers Alliance

It’s fitting for today, as SCOTUS hears oral arguments in a case that may severely limit the coverage of the Clean Water Act, that we announce the return of #WaterIsLife with ARA and our partners!

Returning to the second Tuesday of each month, the Water is Life Zoom Talk series on October 11 will be a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act.

Water is Life: Clean Water Act Celebration with Black Warrior Riverkeeper and Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) October 11 from noon – 1 pm on Zoom, then in person in Birmingham 3-7 pm, if you’re available!

As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act — one of the most monumental bipartisan laws ever passed by Congress — we find ourselves reflecting on how to celebrate the incredible success of this law, while we are still fighting for its full implementation and enforcement.  Join us for the RETURN of our Water is Life Zoom Talk series on Tuesday, October 11 from noon – 1 pm featuring Nelson Brooke (Black Warrior Riverkeeper) and Sarah Stokes (Southern Environmental Law Center). We’ll celebrate the successes while discussing the challenges ahead as we #DefendRivers in Alabama.

Click here to register.

We’ll continue the celebration of the Clean Water Act that evening in Birmingham at Rojo with films highlighting the role the law has played in protecting Alabama’s waters. ARA and partners will be on hand to answer questions and celebrate this monumental bipartisan law. 10% of the sales of all food and drinks this evening will benefit ARA as we #DefendRivers in Alabama!

This post originally appeared on Alabama Rivers Alliance.

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