We’re back on Clean Water Act defense

Published 3/1/2023  |  Trout Unlimited

Don’t let up now. Healthy fish and clean streams need your help.

When it comes to defending the Clean Water Act, it seems there’s no time to rest.

It was only a couple of months ago that we celebrated a return to a common-sense definition of which rivers, streams and wetlands count as “Waters of the United States”—and receive the protections of the landmark law that has cleaned up America’s waters.

Now we’re pushing back against new efforts to block the new definition. In Congress and in the courts, proposed legislation and fresh litigation would again weaken the Clean Water Act and put rivers and streams in jeopardy.

Stand up for the Clean Water Act!

House Joint Resolution 27, which cleared a House committee this week, would use the Congressional Review Act to block the Biden administration’s revised Waters of the U.S. definition from taking effect this month. A vote in the House is expected later this month.

Meanwhile, more than two dozen states, along with construction and business groups are challenging the new rule in federal court. And a case before the U.S. Supreme Court could add more uncertainty to Clean Water Act protections and send the Environmental Protection Agency back to the drawing board.

Fishing in a headwater stream

Trout, salmon and the Clean Water Act

For years, Trout Unlimited and our members, supporters and allies have pushed for strong Clean Water Act protections, and fought misguided efforts to weaken them.

Why? Because the debate over the “Waters of the U.S.” is about the small rivers and streams that are critical to healthy fisheries and clean water and the communities, businesses, and yes, anglers who rely on them.

Anglers once again need to speak up to support the Clean Water Act

In recent years, members and supporters by the thousands have written and called decision-makers urging them to stand up for the Clean Water Act. When the Trump administration argued that it could not estimate the impact of its decision to weaken protections in 2019, TU’s science team crunched the numbers and showed that half of all streams would be at risk.

TU joined four amicus briefs in support of lawsuits opposing the Trump administration rule, which was successfully blocked.

But the fight goes on.

Help us make the case for Clean Water Act protections for small streams and wetlands by reaching out to your congressional representative today.

Learn more about trout, salmon and the Clean Water Act.


This post originally appeared on Trout Unlimited.

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