Paddling Input Needed North Fork Kern (CA)

Published 4/5/2023  |  American Whitewater

Southern California Edison is in the process of conducting studies in support of relicensing KR3, the North Fork Kern River hydropower project that includes Fairview Dam and Kern #3 Powerhouse. American Whitewater has been actively engaged in the KR3 relicensing and working to make sure that the Whitewater Boating Study accurately reflects whitewater recreation use within the project-affected reach. The information gained in this study survey will help American Whitewater and others to advocate for a more favorable and predictable flow regime on the North Kern than the previous license term. Changes can’t happen without boater input!

This is the first of several surveys that roll out over the course of the 2023 paddling season on the Kern. While each will be individually important the single flow survey is a key piece of the Whitewater Boating Study that will benefit from input at every flow level. Boat technology, types of craft, flow preferences and paddling culture have changed quite a bit since the last whitewater study in 1994. By recording your experiences in the Kern you can help make sure a more accurate representation of North Kern paddling is produced and entered into the FERC docket.

Make your voice and flow preferences heard by filling it out each time you run a section on the North Kern below Fairview Dam! There is no limit to the number of times you can fill it out.

Use the link below.

By Jeff Venturino

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