Recap from Rivers of Alabama Day!

Published 4/12/2023  |  Alabama Rivers Alliance

River Defenders from across Alabama met in Montgomery on April 11, which is Rivers of Alabama Day, for ARA’s annual Rivers of Alabama Day!

We had a busy day filled with great conversation and celebration of Alabama’s rivers and streams at ARA’s annual Lobby Day on Rivers of Alabama Day yesterday!

Partners and friends across the state met in Montgomery at the Alabama State House to talk to our elected officials about SB 105, THE SHOR ACT (The Safe & Healthy Outdoor Recreation Act). Click here to learn more about the bill, introduced earlier this session.

Today, the bill will be discussed in the Senate Healthcare Committee. Click here to watch live at noon today (Wednesday, April 12).

We will need your help letting your State Senators and House Reps know you support this bill. Stay tuned as we let you know what happens next and how YOU can help get this bill passed!

This post originally appeared on Alabama Rivers Alliance.