Box Canyon P-2042

General information

Waterway  Pend Oreille River
Current status   Active license 
Type of facility Conventional Hydro
Mode of hydropower generation Run-of-river
Type of permit FERC License

FERC information

FERC docket # P-2042
FERC project name Box Canyon
Permit issued 7/6/05
Permit expiration 6/26/55

Ownership and operation

Owner PUD No 1 of Pend Oreille Cnty
Owner type Publicly Owned Utility
Year first online (conventional hydro) 1955
Transmission or distribution system owner PUD No 1 of Pend Oreille County

Power and generating capacity

Number of units 4
Total capacity from hydraulic turbine-generator units within each plant 90.0 MW
Average annual net hydropower generation 430,745.9 MWH

The Project is located on the Pend Oreille River 34.4 miles above its confluence with the Columbia. Average flow at the dam site is 26,244 cfs. The highest recorded flood was 171,000 cfs with a mean average flood stage of 79,445 cfs. The 46 foot high dam is made of reinforced concrete with an integral spillway. The 8,850 acre reservoir is 55.7 miles long and has a maximum operating water level is 2030.6 feet and a fluctuation of 3 feet. It is a run-of-the-river facility. Albeni Falls Dam, an Army Corps of Engineers project, controls water flow rates 57 miles upstream. There are four generating units on the Project, which produce 60 MW at full load at a total flow of 27,500 cfs. Its peak capacity is 78 MW. In 1998, Box generated 498,970,000 kilowatt hours of electricity. The City of Seattle is the licensee for the Boundary Hydroelectric Project downstream of the Box Canyon facility.

The PUD entered a settlement agreement for the amendment of their license in 1998 for the remainder of the current license (2002) with a value of $7.436 million. These agreements include $1.137 million to the Kalispell Tribe (plus rent), $2.5 million for wildlife habitat acquisition, protection, mitigation and enhancement projects, $200,000 for erosion control measures, $900,000 for O&M at 3 Forest Service developed sites, and $75,000/year for milfoil control.



License Issued 07-11-2005

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