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Alabama Rivers Alliance(21)
American Rivers(84)
American Whitewater(74)
Appalachian Mountain Club(35)
California Sportfishing Protection Alliance(35)
California Trout(64)
Foothill Conservancy(4)
Friends of the River(8)
Hydropower Reform Coalition(1)
Hydropower Reform Coalition(21)
Idaho Rivers United(63)
South Yuba River Citizens League(33)
Trout Unlimited(94)

Date range

2011 — 2025

State Water Board Takes Action to Protect Klamath River Salmon and Steelhead

From California Sportfishing Protection Alliance  |  2/25/2025

On February 4, 2025, the California State Water Board issued Water Rights Order WR 2025-0002 settling longstanding disputes regarding the diversion of water from Stanshaw Creek, a tributary of the Klamath River in Siskiyou County. The Order found waste of water, unreasonable use of water, and unreasonable method of diversion. Implementation of the Order will benefit Klamath […]

ARA and SELC submit comments for the R.L. Harris Dam relicensing on the Tallapoosa River

From Alabama Rivers Alliance  |  2/21/2025

On February 19, Alabama Rivers Alliance, along with Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC), filed our comments on the draft environmental impact statement for the Harris Dam relicensing on the Tallapoosa River advocating for improved flows, water quality enhancements, adaptive management, and improved recreation access. We also worked with landowners and community leaders to make their […]

Press Release: Regional Partners Sign Historic MOU on Eel River Recovery

From California Trout  |  2/13/2025

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 13, 2025 Contact: Kara Glenwright – – 714-794-4986 Regional Partners Sign Historic MOU on Eel River Recovery Regional partnership supports Eel River dam removal, fisheries recovery, and continued water supply for Russian River communities Sacramento, CA – Today, California Trout joined Round Valley Indian Tribes (RVIT), the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), […]

Federal agencies prepare a SEIS to update the Columbia River System Operations

From Idaho Rivers United  |  1/14/2025

Lower Granite dam on the Snake River. Photo credit: IRU staff In December the federal government announced its intent to reexamine the impacts to imperiled salmon and steelhead populations from the fourteen-dam Federal Columbia River System, which includes the four Lower Snake River Dams (LSRDs). The announcement was made by the Army Corps of Engineers […]

CSPA Sues California over Operations of the State Water Project

From California Sportfishing Protection Alliance  |  1/1/2025

On November 26, 2024, the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance sued the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) over the “Incidental Take Permit” (ITP) for the operation of the State Water Project. CSPA’s Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate and Complaint for Declarative and Injunctive Relief alleges violations of […]

FERC Holds PG&E Accountable for 2023 Butte Canal Failure

From California Sportfishing Protection Alliance  |  11/24/2024

On November 19, 2024, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a letter to PG&E about a major canal break and two canal blockages in 2023 at PG&E’s DeSabla-Centerville Hydroelectric Project on Butte Creek. The canal break had extremely damaging environmental effects. FERC’s letter called the canal break “preventable” and deemed it a violation of […]

Monthly Newsletter: Exploring FERC-Exempt Hydro Projects: Small-Scale Hydropower with Big Impacts

From Hydropower Reform Coalition  |  11/19/2024

Enacted in 1978 to encourage greater use of domestic and renewable energy sources, the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) allows the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to exempt certain small hydroelectric projects from its licensing requirements permanently. The act aimed to promote domestic energy independence by fast-tracking the construction of smaller projects and, presumably, […]

NID Withdraws Centennial Dam Proposal After SYRCL’s Decade-Long Opposition

From South Yuba River Citizens League  |  9/25/2024

On September 25th, the Nevada Irrigation District voted on the future of their proposed Centennial Dam project, a $1 billion project that SYRCL has rallied the community in opposition to since its inception. In August of 2014, the Nevada Irrigation District (NID) began planning to construct a new 275-foot-tall dam and reservoir on the Bear […]

The Klamath Dam Removals: A Story of People and Possibility

From American Rivers  |  9/9/2024

As I stood on a bridge and looked upstream along the Klamath River, I felt confused. For over 15 years, I had stood in the same stop and gazed on the earthen face of Iron Gate Dam. But on this day, I saw…space. Framing the edges of that space, I saw canyon walls, river bed, […]

Monthly Newsletter: Klamath Dam Removals: A Tale of the Power of Collaboration and Persistence

From Hydropower Reform Coalition  |  8/30/2024

A river basin once split in half for more than a century will be reconnected this fall with the completion of the nation’s largest dam removal and river restoration project. Over the past two years, four dams were removed from the Klamath River: J.C. Boyle in southern Oregon, and Copco No. 1, Copco No. 2, […]