New York Whitewater Release Schedule

Published 3/2/2023  |  American Whitewater

By Bob Nasdor

The 2023 New York whitewater release schudule is official. From the Adirondacks to the Delaware River, the release schedule provides whitewater boating opportunities for paddlers from beginner to expert throughout the spring, summer, and fall. These releases have been brought to you by American Whitewater, affilliate clubs, and dedicated partners for more than 30 years. Below are the releases for the Moose, Beaver, Black, Raquette, Hudson, Salmon, and Mongaup Rivers.




  • SIGN IN AT ALL RELEASES! It’s the only way we get to keep them, they are currently under relicense negotiation! All GPS coordinates in the Google Calendar take you to the sign in sheet!
  • The intake at the Raquette has been fixed! There should be no issues with scary high flows this year.
  • Snow Ridge will be hosting both BeaverFest and Fall MooseFest this year!
  • Because the broken dam last year was AWESOME, we negotiated the Friday before Labor Day (ie BeaverFest) will have a scheduled Moose release for people to stretch their legs after rallying the drive
  • The Beaver/Raquette weekend before BeaverFest has been kept for anyone thinking about race training or a Northern week of rivers! Hit the first Beaver weekend, then head up to Canada or over to the Hudson and Black, then back down for the fest for an awesome week of paddling.
  • Training camp schedule will be up sometime in March


Static online version (bookmark this link):…

iPhone and other Calendar apps:…/r6n3l12d…/public/basic.ics

Add to your personal Google Calendar (Desktop only):…

NOTE – if you subscribed to the Google Calendar last year you don’t have to do anything, it’s in the same one!


Mongaup River Rio Dam Release Schedule

Date Day Time       # of Units
4/22 Sat 11:00 – 15:00       1
5/7 Sun 11:00 – 15:00       2
5/20 Sat 11:00 – 15:00       2
6/4 Sun 11:00 – 15:00       1
6/17 Sat 11:00 – 15:00       1
7/2 Sun 11:00 – 15:00       2
7/15 Sat 11:00 – 15:00       2
7/30 Sun 11:00 – 15:00       1
8/12 Sat 11:00 – 15:00       1
8/27 Sun 11:00 – 15:00       2
9/9 Sat 11:00 – 15:00       2
9/17 Sun 11:00 – 15:00       1
9/30 Sat 11:00 – 15:00       1
10/15 Sun 11:00 – 15:00       2
10/28 Sat 11:00 – 15:00       1


This release schedule is subject to change due to local conditions.  All persons interested in utilizing the whitewater access facility should verify the schedule by calling the Eagle Creek toll free hotline, which is updated by the Wednesday prior to the scheduled release date.

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