Challenges in the Klamath Basin

The Klamath Basin is currently suffering from a water and fish crisis, and tensions are rising among the community. The severe drought the West is in is devastating farmland, wildlife, and fish that are deemed sacred to native tribes. This area, along the...

The Future of Hydropower

Dams have a notorious reputation; there’s a long history of environmental damage caused by dams, from blocking migrating fish to withdrawing access to Indigenous people. Yet, dams do boost some positive impact from the electricity they generate; this is energy free of...
Drought Causing Water Competition in the Klamath Basin

Drought Causing Water Competition in the Klamath Basin

California is in the second year of a drought. According to the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences, “Northern California has received about 48% of average historical precipitation for this time of year.  This is the 3rd driest water year on record, so far.  Only...
Removal of Klamath Dams to Restore River Basin

Removal of Klamath Dams to Restore River Basin

The Klamath River Basin was once home to one of the West’s most prolific salmon fisheries. But for more than a century, efforts to harness the natural power of the river through the installation of hydroelectric dams, have contributed to devastating declines in water...
McCloud River Deserves Protection from Shasta Dam Raise

McCloud River Deserves Protection from Shasta Dam Raise

The epic McCloud River runs approximately 50 miles from the spring-fed headwaters southeast of Mount Shasta into the Shasta Reservoir. Before Shasta Dam (completed in 1944) blocked the return of anadromous fish, the McCloud River was one of the most productive salmon...