2021 Salmon Run Recap: Warm Water Spelled Trouble for Migrating Fish
In 2021, Idaho’s salmon and steelhead returns continued to follow the declining population trends of the last few years, resulting in another year of very low abundance.
Are there “good” dams and “bad” dams?
We just released an issue of TROUT magazine that focuses most of its 100 pages on the need to remove four dams from the Lower Snake River. That was an easy call for me as editor because I think removal of the Lower Snake dams, thus giving a huge percentage of steelhead and salmon in the Lower 48 a chance for survival, will be the defining issue for this generation of anglers and others who care about native species.
Snake River salmon: “One of the defining issues for this generation of anglers”
Trout Unlimited dedicated the entire fall issue of TROUT magazine to drilling down on the issue of the effort to remove the four lower Snake River dams, the last hope for saving the river’s salmon and steelhead runs. TROUT editor Kirk Deeter talks about why he felt that was the right move.