King Mill P-9988

General information

Waterway  Augusta Canal
 Savannah River
Current status   Active license 
Type of facility Conventional Hydro
Mode of hydropower generation Canal/Conduit
Type of permit FERC License

FERC information

FERC docket # P-9988
FERC project name John P. King Mill
Permit issued 7/29/12
Permit expiration 10/27/55

Ownership and operation

Owner Augusta Canal Authority
Owner type Publicly Owned Utility
Year first online (conventional hydro) 1922
Transmission or distribution system owner Georgia Power Co

Power and generating capacity

Number of units 2
Total capacity from hydraulic turbine-generator units within each plant 2.2 MW
Average annual net hydropower generation 3,362.7 MWH

The project is located on the Augusta Canal, about 5.5 miles downstream of the Augusta Diversion Dam, which diverts water into the canal from the Savannah River. The King Mill project diverts water from the Augusta Canal and releases it into the Savannah River

The existing King Mill Project includes: (1) a 50-foot-long, 15-foot-high headgate and intake structure located on the Augusta Canal; (2) steel trashracks at the intake with 2-inch bar spacing; (3) a 200-foot-long, 40-foot-wide, concrete-lined, open flume head race leading from the intake structure to; (4) a 20-foot-long, 60-foot-wide brick and masonry powerhouse, located within a building that also houses a textile mill, containing two vertical shaft turbine/generator units with an installed capacity of 2.125 MW; (5) a 435-foot-long, 30-foot-wide, concrete-lined, open tailrace channel which returns flows to the Savannah River; and (6) appurtenant facilities. There are currently no project recreation facilities.

Source: FERC

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