Media Guide

Media Guide

The Media Guide produced by the Coalition offers practical tips for dealing with the media – from responding to questions and handling a “crisis” to proper television appearance and interview techniques. 

The Sturgeon River Project: A Case Study

The Sturgeon River Project: A Case Study

This report by Lee Emery, Fishery Biologist for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, is the result of an analysis conducted of all dam removals and dam removal proposals for FERC-licensed projects. The report focuses on a case study of the Sturgeon River Project (P-2471), which has been removed since this study was written.

Taking a Second Look: Communities and Dam Removal

Taking a Second Look: Communities and Dam Removal

This video explores how communities feel about three dam removal projects after restoration is complete and the benefits are being experienced. The three projects are: Woolen Mills Dam, Milwaukie River (West Bend, Wisconsin) Lake Christopher Dam, Cold Creek (South...
Dam Removal Success Stories

Dam Removal Success Stories

Over the past 100 years, the United States led the world in dam building—blocking and harnessing rivers for a variety of purposes, including hydropower, irrigation, flood control, and water storage. The US Army Corps of Engineers (Army Corps) has catalogued...