Study Plan Request: Hydro Operations Model


Yuba County Water Agency


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Comments & FilingsSample pleadingsPublished   8/1/2011

This study request for a water balance/hydro operations model was proposed by the licensee, Yuba County Water Agency, and accepted by FERC. It describes the need to measure and value inter-day power operations, and can be used for hydro flexility valuation.

“The model will also be able to compute power generation at the New Colgate, Narrows 2 and Narrows 1 powerhouses resulting from Project operations. The model will include the capability of reflecting operations to shape power generation to meet energy demands. If needed, post- processing of daily model output could be developed to simulate hourly operations of the New Colgate and Narrows 2 powerhouse to simulate inter-day variations in releases from these powerhouse. YCWA intends to collaborate with Relicensing Participants on certain aspects of model development and to consult/advise Relicensing Participants of the more basic elements of the model. Much of the work to prepare a basic model platform has been completed, and YCWA intends to provide interested Relicensing Participants with detailed information about these efforts, model basics, and justification for model representation of physical and operational aspects of the Project. These early efforts are intended to complete the foundational platform for the model to accurately represent the current physical configuration of the Project, Yuba River hydrology, and existing operational conditions. Concurrent with this work, YCWA intends to collaborate with Relicensing Participants on the more variable, discretionary elements of project operations, model output and additional post-processing needs for refined analysis and information.”

Water Balance/Operations Model Revised Study Plan, August 2011, Page 6 of 14, ©2011, Yuba County Water Agency


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