Water is Life: Hydropower in Alabama

HRC or member-contributed


Alabama Rivers Alliance
Presentations and trainingsVideosPublished   10/27/2020

Check out this brown bag discussion on hydropower in Alabama, featuring Sarah Stokes, Senior Attorney with Southern Environmental Law Center, and Colleen McNally-Murphy, Associate National Director of the Hydropower Reform Coalition.

Learn more about the recent successes on the Coosa River and what’s next for the relicensing of the seven hydro dams spanning 275 river miles, as well as current relicensing efforts for Harris Dam on the Tallapoosa. The discussion also provides an overview of hydropower impacts, how the HRC works, what FERC licensing is, how to get involved, and what the role of hydro should be in a clean energy future.

Learn More

Coosa River’s Day in Court by Cindy Lowry

Citizen Participation Guide to License Implementation

Resources on HRC’s website

Climate impacts on hydropower

Why Dams Won’t Solve Water Supply Needs

Harris Dam relicensing site with info about relicensing and relevant documents

For more information about Harris Dam relicensing, contact Jack West at jwest@alabamarivers.org or Martha Hunter at mhunter@alabamarivers.org

WATCH: Birmingham to the Gulf, 2016 Southern Exposure film exploring the idea of reconnecting rivers — from Birmingham to the Gulf! [13 minutes]

WATCH: Past Water is Life Zoom Talks

WATCH: 2020 Southern Exposure Films!

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