Alabama Water Rally 2023 – Registration Open Now!

Alabama Water Rally 2023 Alabama’s annual gathering of clean water advocates March 24 – 26 | Camp Beckwith in Fairhope, AL There is an incredible opportunity before us – as River Defenders – as we pass the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act. Together, we must be...
Great Falls Catawba Update – See You in March!

Great Falls Catawba Update – See You in March!

Following 20 years of work, American Whitewater and our partners are in the final push to have the Great Falls of the Catawba ready for flow restoration and paddling this March. We are confident releases will start in March and conditions will be prime to visit the...
New Clean Water Act Rule Released, Rivers Benefit

New Clean Water Act Rule Released, Rivers Benefit

Last week the Environmental Protection Agency released a new final rule governing which streams and wetlands will be covered by the Clean Water Act. If this sounds familiar, it is for good reason: this issue has been the subject of perennial debate and changes made by...