by Trout Unlimited | Mar 23, 2023
Atlantic salmon runs in U.S. waters have endured blow after blow over the past two centuries. They just received another one.
by Trout Unlimited | Mar 9, 2023
As the largest river restoration effort in history moves forward, Oregon and California plan for fish reintroduction and monitoring
by American Rivers | Feb 1, 2023
With the substantial amount of snow that has fallen across the Colorado River basin over the past couple of months, I have been asked many questions about the state of the drought, and whether all this precipitation will reverse the severe declines in both Lake Powell...
by Trout Unlimited | Feb 1, 2023
Removing the four lower dams on Maine’s Kennebec River may be the best hope to save Atlantic salmon in the U.S.
by Alabama Rivers Alliance | Jan 26, 2023
Alabama Water Rally 2023 Alabama’s annual gathering of clean water advocates March 24 – 26 | Camp Beckwith in Fairhope, AL There is an incredible opportunity before us – as River Defenders – as we pass the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act. Together, we must be...