Wild Klamath River Fish Unaffected by Hatchery Fish Mortality Event, Karuk Tribe Reports
P R E S S R E L E A S E Karuk Tribe For Immediate Release: Wednesday March 6, 2023 For more information: Craig Tucker, Natural Resources Policy Consultant, Karuk Tribe, craig@suitsandsigns.com, 916.207.8294 WILD KLAMATH SALMON HEALTHY AFTER RESERVOIR DRAWDOWN...Winter 2024 Newsletter
Happening in Hydro Hi folks, Hydropower is a tough field, and it can feel a little like an endless loop to work on similar issues across projects without seeing much change. That’s why is such a relief and a breath of fresh air to see FERC making policy changes...New plan aims to recover native salmon and steelhead in California, reflects TU restoration and policy priorities
For the past twenty years Trout Unlimited has worked up and down the state to improve in-stream conditions for California’s salmon and steelhead. The tactics we have pioneered and implemented in this effort have proven consistently effective in helping recover salmonids.