by California Trout | Jun 18, 2021
On June 16, after hours of debate and public testimony, the California Fish and Game Commission voted unanimously to approve the petition from the Karuk Tribe to list the Klamath-Trinity River Spring Chinook as an endangered species under the California Endangered...
by American Whitewater | Jun 17, 2021
By: Thomas O’Keefe Earlier today the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved the license transfer for the Lower Klamath Hydroelectric Project and issued the following statement: FERC Approves License Transfer for Lower Klamath Hydro Project The Federal...
by Trout Unlimited | Jun 17, 2021
If you’re wondering why salmon and steelhead populations in the Snake River are in trouble, the answer is obvious to me and many, many other scientists working on this issue. It’s the four dams on the lower Snake and the reservoirs behind them: They kill too many fish
by California Trout | Jun 17, 2021
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) today approved the transfer of the license for the Lower Klamath Hydroelectric Project (Project) from PacifiCorp to the Klamath River Renewal Corporation and the states of Oregon and California, as co-licensees. This is...
by American Rivers | Jun 15, 2021
The multitude of studies and reports about the impacts of climate change on western water and the Colorado River Basin increasingly come to parallel, if not precisely the same, conclusions: the future will be warmer and drier, with less water. The studies also show...