by Trout Unlimited | Jul 13, 2023
All four dams of the Lower Klamath Project will be gone by the end of 2024
by American Whitewater | May 31, 2023
Legislation raising the federal debt ceiling includes unrelated provisions weakening the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) by limiting environmental reviews of federally permitted activities. NEPA is a critically important safeguard that ensures that federal...
by American Rivers | May 31, 2023
May 31 marks National Dam Safety Awareness Day, established after the South Fork Dam failure of 1889 took the lives of 2,200 Pennsylvanians. The threat of dam failure persisted into the early 20th century for Californians, when the St. Francis Dam, located just north...
by Trout Unlimited | May 23, 2023
TU and partners sue Pacific Gas and Electric to restore California’s third largest river and its legendary salmon and steelhead fisheries
by California Trout | May 17, 2023
A coalition of five commercial fishing and conservation groups, including California Trout, have filed suit in federal court charging that Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project on the Eel River is illegally harming salmon and steelhead listed under the federal Endangered Species Act.