by Alabama Rivers Alliance | Dec 7, 2021
POLICY UPDATES from Alabama Rivers Alliance Leaves have fallen, special legislative sessions have come to an end, and as we enjoy the holidays, I give thanks for the restorative powers of Alabama’s marvelous creeks, streams, rivers, lakes and bays. Last month, I was...
by Trout Unlimited | Dec 7, 2021
We just released an issue of TROUT magazine that focuses most of its 100 pages on the need to remove four dams from the Lower Snake River. That was an easy call for me as editor because I think removal of the Lower Snake dams, thus giving a huge percentage of steelhead and salmon in the Lower 48 a chance for survival, will be the defining issue for this generation of anglers and others who care about native species.
by American Whitewater | Dec 7, 2021
They call it the paperclip, a sinuous concrete channel doubling back on itself along a low diversion dam (depicted above in an engineer rendering). Sometime in 2022 water will begin running down the paperclip, and a more direct channel next to it, into the Great Falls...
by American Whitewater | Dec 6, 2021
American Whitewater and our affiliate clubs have spent the past 25 years working to restore flows to incredible Southeastern rivers impacted by dams. A lot of our work has focused on Class II and III rivers like the lower Nantahala, Tuckasegee, Hiwassee, and Catawba,...
by American Whitewater | Nov 23, 2021
Tugalo Dam was built 100 years ago. For the past hundred years it has inundated four miles of the Chattooga River and two miles of the Tallulah River beneath a reservoir along the South Carolina and Georgia border. The dam owner has recently proposed to spend roughly...