by American Rivers | Jul 1, 2021
As our collective understanding of the value of healthy watersheds has grown, so too has our appreciation of the critically important role of source water and intermittent streams — those that flow only part of the year — play in providing clean water, habitat and...
by Trout Unlimited | Jun 23, 2021
This Transfer Order is a critical step forward in the long slog to remove four old fish-blocking dams and re-open more than 400 miles of historic habitat for the Klamath’s struggling salmon and steelhead runs.
The post Big day in Klamath Country appeared first on Trout Unlimited.
by American Whitewater | Jun 17, 2021
By: Thomas O’Keefe Earlier today the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved the license transfer for the Lower Klamath Hydroelectric Project and issued the following statement: FERC Approves License Transfer for Lower Klamath Hydro Project The Federal...
by American Whitewater | Jun 10, 2021
American Whitewater reached a Settlement Agreement on the relicensing of three hydropower dams on the Mongaup River that will double scheduled whitewater boating releases below the Rio Dam in Forestburgh, New York. The comprehensive Settlement Agreement was signed...
by Idaho Rivers United | May 20, 2021
Shortly after Congressman Blumenauer (D-OR) made public his support for the Columbia Basin Initiative, Senators Cantwell (D-WA) and Murray (D-WA), under the pretense of calls for regional collaboration on long-term solutions, both signaled their opposition to...