Year Two of Releases on Utah’s Weber River Set

Year Two of Releases on Utah’s Weber River Set

This year marks the second year of recreational releases on the Scrambled Eggs section of the Weber River in Utah! American Whitewater negotiated these releases over the past few years and is excited to celebrate year two, and wow what a different year it is! Massive...
Sackett v. EPA decision on Clean Water Act

Sackett v. EPA decision on Clean Water Act

Today, the Supreme Court rolled back protections under the Clean Water Act (CWA) by severely limiting the interpretation that adjacent wetlands will be protected and considered “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) except in extremely limited circumstances. For...
Supreme Court Narrows Clean Water Act

Supreme Court Narrows Clean Water Act

The Supreme Court today issued a decision that significantly narrowed the scope of the Clean Water Act protection of wetlands adjacent to rivers. The Court ruled in a 5-4 decision in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency that only wetlands that have a “continuous...

Grand Canyon Flow Management Delayed Again (AZ)

On May 22, the federal government announced it was postponing planning efforts for the Colorado River basin in order to assess a new proposal brought forward by the lower Colorado River Basin states. This is a big turn of events since we reported on this two weeks ago...