New York Whitewater Release Schedule

New York Whitewater Release Schedule

By Bob Nasdor The 2023 New York whitewater release schudule is official. From the Adirondacks to the Delaware River, the release schedule provides whitewater boating opportunities for paddlers from beginner to expert throughout the spring, summer, and fall. These...
Great Falls Catawba Update – See You in March!

Great Falls Catawba Update – See You in March!

Following 20 years of work, American Whitewater and our partners are in the final push to have the Great Falls of the Catawba ready for flow restoration and paddling this March. We are confident releases will start in March and conditions will be prime to visit the...
How would you feel if the Grand Canyon ran dry?

How would you feel if the Grand Canyon ran dry?

The situation on the Colorado River continues to get worse. For months, there has been abundant news about falling lake levels (Lake Powell is below 25% full, and Lake Mead is hovering below 30% full) and while some areas of the west had a terrific monsoon, other...