Administration inks agreement on upper Columbia, but leaves Snake River in limbo
The Biden Administration today took a step forward on meeting the nation’s obligations to upper Columbia River tribes but fell short of producing a comprehensive plan for the entire Columbia basin including the Snake River.
Good News for Fish: Clean Water Act Holds for PG&E Hydropower Projects on Yuba and Bear Rivers
The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) is pleased to report that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued an Order on September 5, 2023 that upholds the California State Water Board’s authority to require a “water quality certification” for new hydropower licenses for the Upper Drum-Spaulding, Lower Drum, and Deer Creek hydroelectric projects.
Salmon campaign update, summer 2023
Where we are As summer fades away, the wild spring and summer-run Chinook and sockeye that have returned to Snake River Basin headwaters are finding mates and digging redds in the gravels of their birth in order to spawn – while steelhead are settling into deep river...Sedimentation and Dam Removal: Bringing a River Back to Life
One of the primary concerns when planning for dam removal is the impact of sediment transport on water quality, river health, and the communities that depend on healthy rivers.