by South Yuba River Citizens League | Feb 7, 2022
Daguerre Point Dam fish ladders On January 13, SYRCL released a call to the public for signatures on a letter to the Army Corps of Engineers asking them to clean and maintain the fish ladders at Daguerre Point Dam. On average, fewer than 3,000 Chinook salmon return to...
by Appalachian Mountain Club | Jan 25, 2022
This story was originally published in the Winter/Spring 2022 issue of Appalachia Journal. Topsoil lies thin on the ancient slopes of The Western Catskills. As the locals say, it’s two rocks to every dirt. Given that and a downpour during a sudden thaw, or a dry...
by Trout Unlimited | Jan 20, 2022
Dams are the single most significant factor in the decline of Atlantic salmon in Maine. Recovering the runs will only happen if we remove other dams on the Penobscot and Kennebec rivers.
by Idaho Rivers United | Jan 20, 2022
Enormous releases of greenhouse gas emissions, species decline and extinction, and habitat fragmentation. While you’d be right if you assumed these were characteristics of fossil-fuel plants that have had devastating impacts on our planet, you might be surprised that...
by South Yuba River Citizens League | Jan 11, 2022
SYRCL is asking the Army Corps of Engineers to help threatened salmon reach their spawning grounds by cleaning the fish ladders at Daguerre Point Dam. A meager 1% of their historic population remains, which was once robust enough to feed communities, wildlife, and the...