The Possible Impacts of the EPA Redefining “Waters of the United States” on the Yuba Watershed

The Possible Impacts of the EPA Redefining “Waters of the United States” on the Yuba Watershed

Enacted in 1972, the Clean Water Act established a nationwide approach to improving the quality of our nation’s lakes, rivers, streams, and other water bodies. One of its features is that it prohibits the discharge of pollutants from a point source into “navigable waters” unless otherwise authorized under the Act. “Navigable waters” are defined in the Act as “the waters of the United States, including the territorial seas.”

Salmon campaign update, summer 2023

Salmon campaign update, summer 2023

Where we are As summer fades away, the wild spring and summer-run Chinook and sockeye that have returned to Snake River Basin headwaters are finding mates and digging redds in the gravels of their birth in order to spawn – while steelhead are settling into deep river...
Dam Removal on the Eel is Closer Than Ever

Dam Removal on the Eel is Closer Than Ever

Water Users Support Restoring Eel River to Free-Flowing State New proposal by Sonoma and Mendocino County water agencies, Round Valley Indian Tribes calls for dam removal and a new water diversion facility Dam removal on the Eel River is closer than ever after county...