by Trout Unlimited | Jun 8, 2022
With record high temperatures and historically low water levels, we need to conserve and restore 30 percent of lands and waters by 2030
by Alabama Rivers Alliance | May 26, 2022
POLICY UPDATES from Alabama Rivers Alliance Spring has more than sprung, and Alabama is buzzing with another regenerative season. Our native Oakleaf hydrangea is flowering, the turtles are basking in longer days of sunshine along our river banks, and we hope you’re...
by California Trout | Apr 18, 2022
It’s the beginning of the end for the Eel River dams. On April 14, 2022, PG&E’s 50-year license for the Potter Valley Project dams expired and it will not be renewed. The company will soon begin the process of license surrender, decommissioning, and ultimately dam...
by Hydropower Reform Coalition | Sep 26, 2021
HRC in the news: This opinion piece on the Elwha restoration and the need for more dam removals, written by Tom Kiernan, President and CEO of American Rivers, was published in The Seattle Times.
by Hydropower Reform Coalition | May 8, 2020
Built in 1916, single development on the West Branch of the Penobscot River Privately owned Hydropower Capacity: 37.53 MW No fish passage facilities Not LIHI certified FERC license expires in 2026 FERC Pre-Application process begins...