On the Klamath, Dam Removal Alone is Not Enough
Though a century of damming has had one of the largest impacts on the health of the Klamath River, its ecosystems, and the fish and wildlife that depend on them, they are not the only obstacles the river faces on the road to recovery. It is difficult to understate the...
Progress Report: two years in to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Giddy smiles and stomping feet. We stood next to the Klamath River and watched muddy water rush out from the tunnel under the Iron Gate Dam. The twenty-degree weather couldn’t freeze out the excitement of our group; even as we tried to kick feeling back into our toes,...New plan aims to recover native salmon and steelhead in California, reflects TU restoration and policy priorities
For the past twenty years Trout Unlimited has worked up and down the state to improve in-stream conditions for California’s salmon and steelhead. The tactics we have pioneered and implemented in this effort have proven consistently effective in helping recover salmonids.
Free the Eklutna River
The Eklutna People envision a thriving fishery accessible by all.