Action Alert: Battle Creek Dams

Published 10/28/2022  |  California Trout

There’s progress happening in Battle Creek. PG&E, owner of the Battle Creek Hydroelectric Project, has filed a request with FERC, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, to amend their license to move forward with a new phase of dam removal and river restoration. We are in support of dam removal on Battle Creek and need your help to make it happen. Please read on to learn how you can get involved.

If approved by FERC, this license amendment will initiate the proceeding of Phase 2 of the Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project which includes the removal of 4 diversion dams located on South Fork (SF) Battle Creek and associated tributaries AND the transfer of water rights for instream flow purposes to California Department of Fish and Wildlife. This means that just for SF Battle Creek, 19 miles of habitat will be made available once again to native fishes and the water will be used for the benefit of the environment which is significant. The picture featured above was taken above the highest dam on SF Battle Creek and is an example of the type of high-quality habitat that will be re-opened for anadromous salmon, steelhead, and lampreys.

What we need from you today is to send a comment to FERC and let them know you are in full support of these dams’ removal. Visit FERC’s website: to submit a comment on Docket Number P-1121-135. The comment period ends November 2, 2022. Please do not delay.

The post Action Alert: Battle Creek Dams appeared first on California Trout.

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