Stockport Mill Country Inn Water Power Project P-11685

General information

Waterway  Muskingum River
Current status   Active license 
Type of facility Conventional Hydro
Mode of hydropower generation Run-of-river
Type of permit FERC License

FERC information

FERC docket # P-11685
FERC project name Stockport Mill Country Inn
Permit issued 12/2/00
Permit expiration 11/26/40

Ownership and operation

Owner Stockport Mill Country Inn
Owner type Private Non-utility

Power and generating capacity

Number of units 2
Total capacity from hydraulic turbine-generator units within each plant 0.2 MW
Average annual net hydropower generation 1,400.0 MWH

This 235 kW project is located in Morgan County, Ohio. It is operated in a lock and dam and the electricity generated powers Stockport Country Inn, which is also the licensee for the project.

The dam is 20 ft high and 482 ft long and is owned by Ohio DNR, Division of Park and Recreation. The powerhouse has two units.

The license requires the licensee to release a minimum flow of 2000 cfs (cubic feet per second) from April 1 through June 30 and a minimum flow of 750 cfs for the rest of the year.If the DO (dissolved oxygen) level falls below 5 mg/L, the plant is to be shut down and resumed only after DO level has been restored.

Read this summary for more detailed information about the project.



License Issued 12-07-2000
License Expires 12-31-1969


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