Edenville P-10808

The Edenville Dam breached in May 2020, triggering the downstream failure at Sanford Dam. FERC revoked the license at Edenville in 2018 after more than a decade of dam safety violations and non-compliance. “The dam, owned by Boyce Hydro Power since 2007, used to...

Redbridge P-10676

The Red Bridge hydropower station partially collapsed in August 2023, sparking a minor fire inside the collapsed portion of the structure and causing an oil spill....

Taum Sauk P-2277

The Taum Sauk Pumped Storage Project received a FERC license in July 2014. The authorized capacity of the project is 442.5 MW. The Taum Sauk Project consists of a 54.5-acre upper reservoir located on Proffit Mountain and a 363-acre lower reservoir. The upper reservoir...

Edward C Hyatt (Oroville) P-2100

In 2017 the emergency spillway on the Oroville Dam failed, resulting in widespread evacuations and significant risk to downstream communities. The incident and lessons learned are described in detail in the Oroville Dam 2017 Spillway Incident report.