Position statement on Hydropower Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Read the HRC’s position statement on hydropower-caused greenhouse gas emissions, including our policy objectives.
Variability in modelled reservoir greenhouse gas emissions: comparison of select US hydropower reservoirs against global estimates
Abstract: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from reservoirs have most often been evaluated on a global extent through areal scaling or linear-regression models. These models typically rely on a limited number of characteristics such as age, size, and average temperature...Sample Study Request for Greenhouse Gas Emissions
This sample study request proposes an assessment of the net greenhouse gas emissions from a hydropower project. It contains the scientific background and legal background for the request, including sections on goals and objectives, public interest considerations, existing information/need for additional information, project nexus, methodology, and level of cost and effort.
Factsheet: Hydropower Dams Across the U.S. are Leaking Methane
Read this factsheet to learn more about where emissions at hydropower dams come from, how bad it is, and what we can do about it.