CRC request to deny TLP for Fiske Mill
These comments from Connecticut River Conservancy request the denial of the Traditional Licensing Process (TLP) for the Fiske Mill Hydroelectric Project (P-8615).

Proposed Dam Safety Rulemaking Comment
The Hydropower Reform Coalition (HRC) submitted the following comment to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on the proposed rulemaking governing the safety of hydropower projects licensed by the Commission under the Federal Power Act. The HRC appreciates...
American Rivers v. FERC (III)
Also known as the Coosa decision.
Hydropower at Jackson Lake Dam, Grand Teton National Park: Probabilities and Implications
This report on the since-abandoned hydro project at Jackson Lake Dam examines the legal and policy limitations on building a hydro project in a National Park, as well as some implications of the project if it had been built as proposed.