New EPA Rule Greatly Reduces Clean Water Act Protections
Earlier this week the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a new federal rule that eliminates protection for a majority of our nation’s wetlands and estimated totals of well over a million miles of streams. The rule aligns the law with a recent Supreme Court Case that limited the kinds of wetlands and streams that can be covered by the Clean Water Act, known as Waters of the United States, or WOTUS. American Whitewater joined an amicus brief in that pivotal court case, advocating for the science-based protection of these streams and wetlands, but the Supreme Court ruled against us.
Environmental policy updates: NEPA, BLM, & public lands
In the world of environmental policy, this summer has been busy with three new proposed rules from the Federal Government, which include changes to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), a Public Lands Rule, and revisions to the Bureau of Land Management’s...The U.S. Supreme Court is weakening protections for watersheds. We’re restoring them.
With Clean Water Act protections in jeopardy, on-the-ground restoration is more vital than ever