by South Yuba River Citizens League | Nov 14, 2023
While many people are familiar with the miles of transmission lines that Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) owns, not as many know about their large portfolio of hydroelectric assets – the dams, reservoirs, and powerhouses — they operate. On the Yuba and Bear...
by Trout Unlimited | Oct 31, 2023
The moment remains etched in memory. We hiked in neoprene wetsuits pulled down to our waists because it was 85 degrees, but the rivers we snorkeled in were a LOT colder.
by American Whitewater | Oct 25, 2023
You might want to tighten those nose clips and buy some earplugs: earlier this year the Supreme Court ruled on a long running legal dispute about which streams and wetlands the Clean Water Act actually protects from pollution – and it’s not good. Their decision, which ignored even the most basic science, stripped protections for an estimated 50% of streams and 70% of wetlands that had been protected since the 1970s.
by Idaho Rivers United | Sep 1, 2023
Where we are As summer fades away, the wild spring and summer-run Chinook and sockeye that have returned to Snake River Basin headwaters are finding mates and digging redds in the gravels of their birth in order to spawn – while steelhead are settling into deep river...
by Idaho Rivers United | Aug 31, 2023
In the world of environmental policy, this summer has been busy with three new proposed rules from the Federal Government, which include changes to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), a Public Lands Rule, and revisions to the Bureau of Land Management’s...