River Renewal: Restoring Rivers Through Hydropower Dam Relicensing

HRC or member-contributed


American Rivers, National Park Service


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Case StudiesHydro GuidesTools and GuidesPublished   5/1/1996

Hard copies of this resource are available upon request. 


  1. Introduction 
  2. Part I: Mitigation Options 
    1. Recreation Mitigation
    2. Conservation Mitigation
    3. Additional Mitigation
  3. Part II: Mitigation Packages 
    1. Beaver River
    2. Black River
    3. Deerfield River
    4. Gauley River
    5. Manistee, Muskegon and Au Sable Rivers
    6. Pigeon River
    7. Saco River
    8. Salmon River
    9. Skagit River
  4. Conclusion 

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